Join us!

 To become and to be a LETS member

  1. Browse our site to better understand the system.
  2. For more info and to join contact John at [email protected]
  3. Once you are accepted as a member an account is created for you on our site and you can participate to our community gardens . (You will receive a password. )
  4. You can log in your account, check it out
  5. Fill in your details, change your password, upload your photo
  6. Check out other members offers and wants. Contact the person if you want to take something up and do an exchange.
  7. Put out one or more offers and/or wants on your page
  8. Check out the website regularly and don t forget our weekly coffee morning where you can meet other members and discuss all of this!
  9. Welcome to Hawke's Bay LETS. We hope you will have some enriching experiences sharing and caring.